Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

bilawal bhutto zardari with Asif Ali Zardari visits Ajmer Dargah

bilawal bhutto zardari with Asif Ali Zardari visits Ajmer Dargah

GRAVE WORSHIP forbidden in Islam
21 Surat Al-'Anbya' [verse 22] - Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah , they both would have been ruined. So exalted is Allah, Lord of the Throne, above what they describe.
Qalb Mein Souz Nahin, Rooh Mein Ehsas Nahin
Kuch Bhi Paigham-e-Muhammad (S.A.W.) Ka Tumhain Paas Nahin

Your hearts are now of longing void, Your souls now know no zeal,
You heed no more that message great which Ahmad (PBUH) did reveal

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